Forgotten Words... Words that Are Not Really Words...

And what the hell were they talking about anyway?

Thursday, April 28, 2005


This happens mostly when people will say very random comments
"If I was a photographer right now, I could take the best picture"

These random comments may lead to people staring at you oddly and perhaps giggling. The comment is usually followed by 10 minute fits of laughter which is quite odd because the people you are with are now confused and terrified and want to leave. The people follow by eating a meat pie and drawing what looks like anime on a piece of paper. You should usually follow this situation with watching freaks and geeks. The random comment can be replaced with any random comment but the after math has to follow exactly.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


This uncommon disorder refers to the lingering of excess fatty tissue on unusual body parts. A rare example is the collection of fat surrounding ones elbows- contributing to unappreciated "elbow- flapping."

( This disorder also may affect the following body parts: knees, ankles (cankles), necks, fingers, toes and men's breasts)

Thursday, April 14, 2005


That agonizing confusion where you are trying to leave a comment on your friend’s response to a lot of negative feedback about her specific, singularly useful words on your group website on but you have this excellent song by the Format stuck in your head, and everyone has been saying that they’ve been singing Janet all day, and you’re really blogged, but you’d like to be nice about it so it’s hard to tell her that highbrow-low is a dictionary, not a diary, and you’re really sorry for the random gremlin moment that smacked her over the head with a binder. I know, everyone tells me this happens to them almost every day.


A person who makes everthing very specific including dictionary entries. Most specifictizers don't even know that they are specifictizing, so it is probably best to just let them be and do make rude comments, because that makes you look like an assaholic. Specifictizers have a disease. Making fun of them is not helping them, if anything it is making the situation worse. Please don't mock specifictizers. Just let them know whats going on. Hurting is not helping.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Now, this is a different meaning from those ugly fairytale creatures.

The gremlin is simply a title to a side of everybody's personality. This side is rarely exposed to other people, and when it is, it is exposed under very specific circumstances. A usual reaction to experiencing someone's inner gremlin is a mixture of shock, disgust and sometimes amusement.

Example :

Somebody who always seems genuinely friendly and cheery -And even when she is unhappy, she usually laughs it off a few minutes later. And then- one day you go to an awesome concert and in the mosh pit she is punching and shoving like mad. Her inner gremlin is exposed!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


You know when you are sitting in class, and you are reminded that you have a, and you didn't study at all because you actually forgot about it, which is actually quite unfortunate so you get the test, and you realize that you know most of the stuff so it is actually, okay so you continue on, but then your throat gets really really dry, that it starts to hurt....a lot, and you try to cough but you can't and then your eyes get all watery and you ask your teacher if you can get a drink and you can so it's cool. So you get your drink and everything is fine and dandy, but then you get back to your class room and sit back down and....BAM! your throat hurts again! And this time it's like a freaking river flowing out of your eyes because you are coughing so much that you go up to your teacher AGAIN and this time ask if you can go buy a water bottle because you don't think that this is ever going to end.

Well if this has never happened to you should be very sucks.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Snicker Boom

A very important factor in the teenage world. A snicker boom can refer to any time when a large quantity of chocolate is needed. Whether you just have a craving, or your pet died, you failed a math test or any teenage "trauma" that may occur, give into a snicker boom. The massive amounts of chocolate will help you feel better and a few days you'll realize that your "truama" was just in fact a "traumady". So whenever you are feeling low, give in! It's okay, theres always a snicker boom waiting for you!

Warning: An excessive amount of chocolate can lead to nausea, upset stomach and even possibly a craving to watch Fat Albert. PLEASE, do not give into the last symptom! If you will certainly randomly catch on fire and die. And no one wants to say that they died while watching Fat Albet. That would be saying that you died from a bucket falling on your toe. It just doesn't happen that often! SO do not, I repeat do not watch Fat Albert after your unforgetable snicker boom. Plus if you watch it, people may find out that you watched it and make fun of you for the rest of your life. If you have the craving to watch Fat Albert please look at the list of movies below and try your best to find them and watch them.
  • Lord of the Rings:Fellowship, Two Towers and Return of the King
  • Resevoir Dogs (or anything by Quenton Taratino)
  • Donnie Darko
  • Edward Scissor Hands (or anything with Johnny Depp)
  • The Nightmare before Christmas (or anything by Tim Burton except for the new Planet of the Apes because that is just not worth it)
  • Platoon ( or anything with Willem Dafoe because he is a FREAKING GOD!!!)
  • some chick flicks like Bridget Jones or Bridget Jones 2:The Edge of Reason, because well why not?
  • Freaks and Geeks (it may not be a movie but it is still the most amazing thing I have ever seen in the television show area)
  • There are so many more but please if you think of anything else which I seem to have forgotten because I am sure that I have forgotten many many movies, please comment and enjoy your snicker boom!


That buzzing, cottony feeling around your ears that comes when you take off your head phones and have been listening to loud music. It happens at concerts too.
Yes, there are three ‘o’s on purpose.

Friday, April 08, 2005


Dictodelema is when you are writing a word that you are fairly sure is spelt correctly (but not "correctly" unless that's actually the word you are having a dictodelema over if you know what I mean) but the word just looks wrong. You try spelling it about four other ways but they all look stupid. You look it up and you really did spell it right the first time, but it still looks wrong and you don't know why.
This also happens when you use a word so many times it loses all meaning. Try saying the word 'green' about thirty times. YO-HEAD-A-SPLODE!


This is the type of person that is addicted to assahol. The assahol, will make them crude, mean and jerky. Warning: Do not attempt to befriend an assaholic. They are not very nice and tend to be very mean to you and your surrounding friends.

Assahol is a dangerous weapon that should not be tampered with. If you think that some one may be becoming an assaholic, please call our helpline 1-900-ASSAOLICS-ANONYMOUS . Please reach us some how. Becoming an assaholic is a very bad thing, although it can be possible that being an assaholic, happened at birth.

It can be considered that being an assaholic is genetic, although the scientific facts have not been determined. Attempting to be nice to an assaholic will only result in saddness and sorrow.

Assaholics are a dangerous being. Beware their kind. Beware.


When a good friend or some random person begings to try to comfort you by asking you deep questions that will relief some stress. Although this could possibly help, sometimes, it is still considered quite annoying when the stressed person does not want to be therapized. Theraizing is very common among girls and guys alike. We all like to therapize but we don't always need it. The most easiest way to have your therapizer stop therapizing you is to say:
"Stop therapizing me!" This will usually give the therapizer a hint and they should leave you alone...eventually.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


That terrible terrible thing that happens every Wednesday morning. You go to bed on time the night before, but the next morning you sleep through your alarm and for another 25 minutes, causing you to be late for school. You arrive at school unprepared, and a little aggitated because when you were walking and your shoes were hurting you a lot, and you don't want to start james deaning, so you suck it up and go down to class, just to remember that you didn't do your homework last night because you had been called into work unexpected. You continue to bite your lip instead of screaming insanely, when you realize that you have to present your project next period and you feel completely unprepared! Eventually you bite right through your lip and continue on your way, although the noise that your stomach makes concerns you because you didn't have time for breakfast. Well I guess it's just another Wednesday morning....excuse me while I go scream in my locker....

Happy Hump Day!

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Something cool but useless. Like a bull whip. You see it's cool, yet it does not serve a purpose (unless you are a cowboy, or extremely violent). Songs can be bullwhip, so can people. I think that picture frames are also very bullwhip, i mean, sure they look pretty nice (thats the cool part) but they have no purpose whatsoever!! the picture they are framing will look the same if the frame was not there.