Forgotten Words... Words that Are Not Really Words...

And what the hell were they talking about anyway?

Friday, January 28, 2005

The REAL spatula

No, it's not a flipper. It's a spatula. I don't care what the dictionary says, a spatuala is that thing that you use to flip your pancakes and eggs with not that flexible rubber thing. All of you are wrong except for me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Ptolemy: When you think you're screwed, say when not really being prepared for something, and then something really unlikely happens and you are totally reprieved.
The 'P' is actually pronounced.

Ptolemytwo: The day you should be ready is now here, and you're done and ready to go but something EVEN MORE unlikely happens giving you another day to prepare.

Example: You totally didn't study for this science test, but the teachers computer screwed up and he lost the test. You make use of the extra time, and the next day the bus is cancelled from a freak snow storm which melts around lunch. Ooooohh yeaaaa...

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


You know that time when you think of the most hilarious, pee-your-pants, laugh-out-loud idea ever? Well, after a laughing fit, an algae bloom even you may go on to explain just what you've gotten so hyped up about. When it all comes together, at the punch-line perhaps, the audience is left in confusion of either- uh-huh? or anticipating something really funny is yet to be said. Either way a nexoplause is horribly embarrassing and should be avoided at all costs.
(often a reputation or ice-breaker catastrophe)

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Moo Point

A point that dosn't matter, like a cow's oppinion. For example: We are planning to go shopping and Susanne says "uh guys, i don't like shopping" THAT is a Moo Point. WE DON'T CARE!!!! It doesn't matter to us!

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Hanz: Dinousaur friend of Super Susanne! PATENT PENDING
Frequents dust jackets, text books, and Susanne's mysterious notebook. Hates tanks, and dogs. Likes hugs, and giving piggy back rides. Size may vary.
(click on the picture for a better size)

SusanneRocks Ltd.


Frickets: Screamed quite loudly after one does something really, really stupid (yet funny!) but all you can think is, “CRAP, I’m an idiot!”
Possibly the opener for an algae bloom. Depends on the person.

SusanneRocks Ltd. and Co


Langly: Kinda big… or small? Really nothing actually.
…Clearly an adjective, as you can see…
Example: Orlando “This is my real jacket” Bloom
See: TGS story #1

Spud Spread

Spud Spread: Mashed potatoes on toast = eating spud spread. Add a touch of peanut butter before hand for that extra smooth flavour! Mmm, mmm good!


Buckwhite: Two different shoes, excessive accessories, strange hair, a perhaps completely unnecessary attempt at making a statement.
Or maybe you just have blisters.

SusanneRocks Ltd. and Co

Algae bloom

Algae bloom: Something… something big, something outrageous, something so crazy-out of this world- that causes the biggest “freak out” or “fit” that can be classified as it’s own algae bloom.

SusanneRocks Ltd. and Co


Regesses: When you think of something really funny, and suddenly you can’t stop laughing at your own joke, but the fact that you’re laughing at your own joke takes away from the cleverness and you are forced to invent a different explanation for the fit, usually something feeble like, “Oh, my COUSIN said…”


Killermime: That sudden burst of fear when leaving a change room or public bathroom that asks, “Did I put my pants back on?” usually followed with a sigh of relief.


Cancer-Angelo: Now, I know what you’re thinking and don’t worry. Michelangelo from the Ninja Turtles is just fine. Cancer-Angelo is a term invented at about 3 or so in the morning, during a particularly heavy LOTR marathon by our friend Evan that caused most (or maybe just a particularly exhausted portion) of us to laugh ourselves to sleep, wake up and wonder why everyone is screaming “POTATOES” over and over again, shake our heads miserably and go back to sleep. It’s that pasty, deathly version of Smeagol (spelling? Ali, Emily, please don’t kill me!) as he transforms in to Gollum.
Quick description: Cancerous, Ninja Turtle, Who (as in Whoville). That one part where he pokes his head into the cave and looks absolutely dejected? Cancerous, Ninja Turtle, Who. Must See: LOTR, the Return of the King (we recommended that it be viewed around 3AM.)


Parinchyma: When you get trapped in front of someone in the hall, and you both move to the same side several times in an attempt to get out of the way. May also be the cause of what is scientifically known as “love at first sight”.

Susanne Rocks Ltd.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Carameltdown: A split second where you feel like you’re eating a Caramilk bar, but YOU’RE NOT!! And you could SWEAR that you are!!!


Interlouken: You know that time when you jumped in the pool and suddenly all you’re thinking is, “Oh-crap, where is my suit?” and you get that sinking feeling in your throat and stomach area, yet you’re floating to the surface awfully quickly.