Forgotten Words... Words that Are Not Really Words...

And what the hell were they talking about anyway?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Vile Pile

A new culinary delight created by Susanne Wilkins. Basically it is an omelet cooked on low, stacked to the sky with broccoli, and topped with grated cheese before folding. The key is to pack as much broccoli on to on half of the omelet as is possible before folding the other side of the egg over. Attempt to have this egg cover the pile of broccoli as much as possible, which is not always easy. Ideally, the egg inside should still be gooey. Cut in half and eat on toast with a bit of ketchup or tomato sauce.

The name is taken from a description of this masterpiece when something has gone terribly wrong in the folding stages. When destroyed, the Vile Pile is still edible, but not nearly as enticing.


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