A person who makes everthing very specific including dictionary entries. Most specifictizers don't even know that they are specifictizing, so it is probably best to just let them be and do make rude comments, because that makes you look like an assaholic. Specifictizers have a disease. Making fun of them is not helping them, if anything it is making the situation worse. Please don't mock specifictizers. Just let them know whats going on. Hurting is not helping.
At 1:53 PM,
So & So said…
I will take this opportunity to publically (to all of the 2 people who actually read this) apologise. I am sorry, I did not know that this was a disease, how ignorant of me. However (you didn’t actually think I would just leave it at that?) I also challenge you to use some of your words in a sentence and still have it be relevant. Then I will be satisfied. I'm only concerned for our loyal reader. Ahem...I mean readers, of course. But this whole dictionary thing is for those reader(s) to expand their vocabulary to include words that are fun and necessary (or so we think) and it is virtually impossible to use a lot of the words that you post!! So with that I challenge you!!!
And this is not the first time that this has come up, please see the comments for Shirtness where Heather says it so clearly it brings tears to my eyes (The Format reference..Yesssss!)
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