Snicker Boom
A very important factor in the teenage world. A snicker boom can refer to any time when a large quantity of chocolate is needed. Whether you just have a craving, or your pet died, you failed a math test or any teenage "trauma" that may occur, give into a snicker boom. The massive amounts of chocolate will help you feel better and a few days you'll realize that your "truama" was just in fact a "traumady". So whenever you are feeling low, give in! It's okay, theres always a snicker boom waiting for you!
Warning: An excessive amount of chocolate can lead to nausea, upset stomach and even possibly a craving to watch Fat Albert. PLEASE, do not give into the last symptom! If you will certainly randomly catch on fire and die. And no one wants to say that they died while watching Fat Albet. That would be saying that you died from a bucket falling on your toe. It just doesn't happen that often! SO do not, I repeat do not watch Fat Albert after your unforgetable snicker boom. Plus if you watch it, people may find out that you watched it and make fun of you for the rest of your life. If you have the craving to watch Fat Albert please look at the list of movies below and try your best to find them and watch them.
Warning: An excessive amount of chocolate can lead to nausea, upset stomach and even possibly a craving to watch Fat Albert. PLEASE, do not give into the last symptom! If you will certainly randomly catch on fire and die. And no one wants to say that they died while watching Fat Albet. That would be saying that you died from a bucket falling on your toe. It just doesn't happen that often! SO do not, I repeat do not watch Fat Albert after your unforgetable snicker boom. Plus if you watch it, people may find out that you watched it and make fun of you for the rest of your life. If you have the craving to watch Fat Albert please look at the list of movies below and try your best to find them and watch them.
- Lord of the Rings:Fellowship, Two Towers and Return of the King
- Resevoir Dogs (or anything by Quenton Taratino)
- Donnie Darko
- Edward Scissor Hands (or anything with Johnny Depp)
- The Nightmare before Christmas (or anything by Tim Burton except for the new Planet of the Apes because that is just not worth it)
- Platoon ( or anything with Willem Dafoe because he is a FREAKING GOD!!!)
- some chick flicks like Bridget Jones or Bridget Jones 2:The Edge of Reason, because well why not?
- Freaks and Geeks (it may not be a movie but it is still the most amazing thing I have ever seen in the television show area)
- There are so many more but please if you think of anything else which I seem to have forgotten because I am sure that I have forgotten many many movies, please comment and enjoy your snicker boom!
At 5:58 PM,
So & So said…
Snicker Boom. good stuff, however if it is just eating a lot of chocolate then i am on a permanent snicker boom. i'm eating chocolate right now! GAHHHH
At 8:20 AM,
Susanne said…
Ah the snicker boom. No cure nessisary, that's for sure. But I must take this opprotunity to remove any suspicion that I would encourage a few of these movies of yours. I really don't see how you got from chocolate to your favourite movies anyway, but I WILL NOT stand by and let you promote chick flicks on a website I am affiliated with!!! Cheers on the Dafoe bit though. I didn't know you were a fan.
At 1:52 PM,
Heather said…
Ahhh! I saw the scariest thing the other day- Willem Dafoe was in a Mariah CArey music video. He's really getting desperate for work. Poor guy was probably tricked into the job.
At 7:46 AM,
Susanne said…
Are you sure it wasn't actually Mariah herself? She IS getting on in years.
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