Forgotten Words... Words that Are Not Really Words...

And what the hell were they talking about anyway?

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Butt. Not to be confused with something horse related.

(This is in case you've been listening to our latest track which makes reference to curple)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


An almost ridiculously relaxed walking style. Usually while laughing very hard or just feeling really, really good. Hitting the streets and cutting loose? Lean way back, swing those arms, and bend those knees! Gandy time baby! AAAAAwooooooo!!!!
Can you handle the gandy, baby?

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Anticipated Embarrassment.


That time when your friends came over and you're hanging out in the backyard- when you notice your mom has hung out the laundry; And yes, oh yes, along with several pairs of your underpants. And you know it's just a matter of time before someone notices- whether they verbalize it or not. The worst part is, there is no subtle way of avoiding the embarrassment.