Forgotten Words... Words that Are Not Really Words...

And what the hell were they talking about anyway?

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Another common hairstyle for artistic types, but can be found everywhere these days. The style itself can be anything but so very specific that if one hair were to be out of place, all would be lost. Helmetresses can be achieved through a difficult morning routine of gels and sprays, but must be maintained at all times throughout the day.


If something is extremely cheesy in the most after-school-special, father-singing-Elvis-songs-in-public way then it can be described as being S-Club.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Archaic word with Scottish roots. To walk with a limp. Rhymes with purple.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


When you have a crazy cool dream that you plan on sharing with the world, however, do not recall the dream immediately after waking up - and BOOM! - you can't remember anything...

This could also apply to having an excellent idea for something, sleeping on it and forgetting what it was the next morning. The worst part is, you know it was something great- it just doesn't come to you.