Edith’s Head
That particular state of disarray in hair that only comes easily to artists, musicians, writers and mad scientists during the creative process and other particularly long bouts of work. It is messy, yet acceptable and actually expected because of the occupation.
At 1:16 PM,
So & So said…
I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad that someone finally put a word to this. I find Edith's Head VERY cool, like when the JMATS were playing and at the end of their set all of their hairs we all tousled and whatnot. especially Winchester’s...excuse me while i just mop up this puddle of drool that seems to have formed here...
At 6:22 PM,
So & So said…
Hhhm, i have a piano recidal tonight, perhaps i can pull off the musicialns Edith's Head, oh so froody. why Edith?
At 8:22 AM,
Susanne said…
Edith Head was a famous costume designer for many of the great classic films (20’s to 80’s). She did a bit of acting as well. Eight Academy Awards and thirty-three nominations. You know the movie Incredibles? The little costume designer is making fun of her.
…They Might Be Giants also has a song called She Thinks She’s Edith Head. It’s been stuck in my head for days, just thought I’d mention that.
Good luck by the way.
At 12:55 PM,
So & So said…
haha, i actually posted that second comment after i had gotten back. While i was there i was thinking "perhaps if i had some Edith's Head going on they would all assume i'm brilliant and talented and not even pay attention to what i'm playing, because i'm such a prodigy and if i am playing it it must be good" sadly that was not the case at all and the little 7 year olds were much better than me.
At 1:32 PM,
Susanne said…
Did they have Edith's head?
At 12:52 PM,
So & So said…
good question. 1 of them did so i thought i was in for something special-it honestly looked as if they'd just gotten in from sky diving-but no, they sucked and turns out that it was just messy hair-not quite misdrels, just messy
At 1:08 PM,
Susanne said…
Maybe there is another word for that all together...
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