Forgotten Words... Words that Are Not Really Words...

And what the hell were they talking about anyway?

Monday, May 16, 2005


Those ever so annoying people in your classes that choose to discuss how 'awesome that party was this weekend' and how 'drunk that chick was'. The best thing to do is to drown out tanklers by listening to music. If there constant droaning about how drunk they were finally gets to you, just slowly turn your music up a little louder. Careful, tanklers can continue on for hours at a time.

Many people are allergice to tanklers but don't even know it. If you think that you may be allergic to a tankler, find the nearest candy store and buy massive amounts of chocolate.


  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger Susanne said…

    Oh I HATE that. Worse still is being in the presence of a tankler during the party. They're usually the ones who sat and did nothing, and were very depressing the entire time. How else would they remember so much?

  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger So & So said…

    OOOOH, i can't stand tanklers! they just make mondays sooo much worse than it already is.


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