A fun waste of time. Type three completly random words into the google search bar and see what kind of information it gives you. I've found some excellent websites that way.
And what the hell were they talking about anyway?
At 3:30 PM,
Emma said…
Mind sharing a few with a loyal fan of the site?
At 7:26 AM,
Susanne said…
Holy crap, we have one? Rock on, Emma!
First of all I found the interactive top ten list where people send in top ten titles and answers.
Uuuumm.. Oh! the Oracle of Bacon will tell you how closely any actor can be connected to Kevin Bacon. I have a factor of five myself, but that's a long story and nothing to brag about because Heather is a four.
Next is the I Ching Calulator ala Dirk Gently (mindless obsession factor of 1?) with good, but questionable advice for all that may beseige you.
Once I found an article about a cat that learned to ride a motercycle, and had a little helmet and everything but I doubt I'll ever find it again. Man I wish I had that cat. He leaned into corners and everything.
At 3:07 PM,
Emma said…
Wicked. What I'd like to know is- what makes YOU so super?
At 4:52 PM,
So & So said…
ZINNNNG! I am just loving the way that Emma (hey we have a close name relationship-emma and emily, ok, wait, not so much now that I look at it, oh well) is trying to get through the mysterious layer on the creature that we call susanne. In fact the reason she is so mysterious (and today half conscious) is because she is super, if she told us then we would go "OOOH, of coarse!!!!! that is it, it's so obvious, how could I not have noticed that?!?!" and then the aura would be gone. But if our dear 'super' susanne is willing to tell emma (the similarities are more obviouse when you say the names-not on paper) then i am willing to hear it!
At 5:58 PM,
Susanne said…
I was just coming on here to mock the similarities of your names. You could be name fraternal twins! Freaky…
So I’m a creature now, eh? Well I’ll have you know that had you said, “Oh of coarse” I would have laughed because it’s the wrong “coarse” of course. Personally I think THAT was so obvious and I don’t know how you didn’t notice.
Also I’m starting to think this is a set up. You’re trying to do something…. Are you sure that aura thing isn’t really the egg? It’s been months, I swear. And you should talk, Emily.
I seem to have finally reached my 15 seconds of fame (at such a young age too; I guess I better take up drinking for a spectacular burn out in my mid 20’s) I would just like to say that I have seen many things in my time, and have read many a fourtune cookie. Not everything I have seen has been good, and not all the fourtunes have been helpful. But if I’ve figured out anything about myself in these years it’s that I forget mostly everything I do, but not the stuff I learn which is how I still know that I forget mostly everything.
You can’t even pretend to be that interested in anything I do. I mean seriously.
At 6:00 PM,
Susanne said…
However the ‘super’ is another story. It began with peanuts believe it or not. I owe the whole super thing to Planters. I can’t tell you why though. They have a gun up against my head, I swear.
At 7:29 PM,
So & So said…
hahah, i totally saw that coarse course thing however i just decided to ignore it and hope quitely that no one whould be cruel enough to pick it out, but Nooooo, susanne had to come along and critisize, even after i had nicely left her nickname out of my comment, see! a whole comment from me all about you and not 1 mention of your nickname! and see what i get!!!
At 11:35 AM,
Heather said…
And Emily, you could have copied your comment- then deleted it- then pasted it into a new comment where you could have fixed the mistake.
And Emma and Emily are very similar.
What a coincidence that I was orginally going to be named Emma!
At 5:45 PM,
Emma said…
You guys are so cute! I hope you when you write your name you dont use the super S. Haha!
At 9:35 AM,
Susanne said…
I'm almost afraid to respond to that. I'm sure Emily or Heather will initiate a rant about this one.
At 4:39 PM,
Heather said…
Ahahaha! At least you were anticipating a rant! And rant I shall...let's see...well, to begin with I think it's adorable that you sign your name with the SuperMan 'S.' Freaking hilarious!
At 7:31 PM,
Susanne said…
Just wait unil you see my shoes tomorrow. I finally finished them.
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